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Flowers for the Future is committed to helping our peers in Afghanistan continue their education.

We will continue to host zoom classes with Professor Baradar, the teacher of The Learning Academy, and his students to share our knowledge of science, English, the arts, and other important subjects.

This effort is not only helpful for the Afghan high students, but they are also inspiring and eye-opening for us, and we hope this is the first of many steps we can take to help our fellow citizens of the world!

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If you are interested in donating to a specific program please let us know. The Eileen Murphy Foundation will make sure it is used for that purpose. 
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© Flowers for the Future 

The founding chapter of Flowers of the Future is a non school sponsored club of Canyon Crest Academy, sponsored by the Eileen Murphy Foundation, a non profit 501(c)3 corporation. 

Photographs on this site are from the New York Times and the San Diego Union Tribune, taken by Jim Huylebroek and Anna Ramirez, as well as members of the Flowers for the Future team


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